ICTM Newsletter for April 2022


There is a lot happening in April, so read on, and submit your proposal for our Fall Conference!


2022 Fall Conference: Call for Proposals 

ICTM is hosting our annual conference on Saturday, October 15, 2022, at DMACC, Ankeny Campus.

The theme of the conference is "Building Connections...Math + More" featuring Peter Liljedahl, author of "Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics, as keynote speaker. The strands for the conference program are: Number Sense, Mathematical Discourse, Infusing Technology, Equity & Access, The 8 Effective Teaching Practices, Intervention/MTSS, and Instructional Coaching/Leadership.

We are accepting speaker proposals through Friday, June 3, 2022. By submitting a proposal to present at the conference, you join a network of math educators dedicated to sharing knowledge and experiences to better math education for all students in Iowa. Please consider being part of this network and presenting at the conference by filling out this Request for Proposals form. You can also check out our ICTM Website and see what we’ve been up to recently!

Questions? Email us at ICTMProgramCh@gmail.com.

Sign up Now!

ICTM is partnering with Knowledgehook, and ICTM sponsor, to provide a free online conference on April 9, 2022. Peter Liljedahl, author of "Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics", and others will be speaking at this conference. Seating is limited, so sign up now

News & Events 

  1. April is Math & Stats Awareness Month. What are you doing to celebrate? Send us your ideas (just reply to this email). We've pulled together some activities here.

  2. Do you have students interested in analytics and actuarial science? Sign up now for Careers in Actuarial Science and Analytics + Basketball Data Analytics Battle Awards Ceremony. This event is open to all students with an interest in these areas. Hear from current actuarial science and business analytics students as well as working professionals on April 13.

  3. Join us on Monday, April 18 at 4:30 for our ICTM Monthly Math Chat.  Zoom information for this event can be found here. Invite a friend!

  4. There's growing evidence that all students - and especially students of color - benefit from a more diverse teacher workforce. For advice on starting a "grow your own" teacher preparation program in your district and other ideas for strengthening teacher pipelines for the long run, read TNTP's new guide, Addressing Teacher Shortages: Practical Ideas for the Pandemic and Beyond

  5. Our online book study on Peter Liljedahl's "Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics" will be held this fall in conjunction with our 2022 Conference. One credit of licensure renewal will be offered. 

Grants & Scholarships
  1. We have money! We have grants to support attendance at NCTM and ICTM conferences, extra-curricular student activities, graduate studies, and curriculum design.  Most application deadlines are June 30, but you don't have to wait that long - apply now!

  2. Iowa STEM has two new scholarship for teachers that provide (1) Incentive for practicing STEM professionals to career transition to teaching; and (2) Support for in-service STEM teachers to update their skills and knowledge in the fast-moving fields of STEM. 

  3. NCTM's  Mathematics Education Trust (MET) annually awards more than $150,000 to teachers, schools, and organizations through more than 30 different grants addressing a range of needs such as professional development, coursework, research, and conference attendance. Proposals are due May 1. 


      1. Interested in offering a high school data science course in 2022-2023?  "Explorations in Data Science", a full year course available by Jo Boaler and the folks at YouCubed, has a two day online workshop on how to use and implement the curriculum (which is available online) on June 8-9, 2022

        1. Looking for some great PD? Attend the  2022 NCTM Annual Meeting & Exposition in Los Angeles, CA (Sept 28-Oct 1), or the 2022 NCTM Regional Conference in Baltimore, MD (Nov 30-Dec 2)! 

        Get Involved!

        ICTM is looking for members to serve on various committees to enhance member benefit opportunities, increase our social media presence, provide input on website design, etc.  If you are interested, please fill out this short form.

        We Want to Hear from You!

        Do you have ideas for future emails, professional development activities, or website and social media posts? We'd love to hear from you; contact us at one of our email addresses or submit an item for social media, the website, or the newsletter here.



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