ICTM Newsletter for July 2022


Don't forget to register for our Annual Conference!

2022 Annual Conference: Keynote & Featured Speakers

ICTM is hosting our annual conference on Saturday, October 15, 2022, at DMACC, Ankeny Campus.

The theme of the conference is "Building Connections...Math + More" featuring Peter Liljedahl, author of "Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics, as keynote speaker. 

For the first time our ICTM conference will have a Featured Speakers Series!  We are excited to welcome the following to Iowa!

  • Doug Clements is our PK-2nd Grade Featured Speaker. Doug is known for his work in Early Learning Trajectories in math and is excited to return to Iowa. 
  • Dionne Animata is the 3rd-8th Grade Featured Speaker. Dionne is the founder of Math Trust. Her work in supporting schools and teachers to look at math instruction with an equity lens is inspiring. She was the Lead Writer for the IM K-5 curriculum and also works with Unbound Ed. 
  • Kaneka Turner will be the Coaching and Leadership Featured Speaker. Kaneka is the founder of ReImage. She worked with Mike Flynn at Mt Holyoke College and has an extensive background as a classroom teacher, math coach and elementary math specialist, serving in one of the nation's largest urban districts. Kaneka's coaching efforts were recognized for state gains in student achievement. 

News & Events 

  1. Our online book study on Peter Liljedahl's "Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics" will be held this fall in conjunction with our 2022 Conference. One credit of licensure renewal will be offered. 

  2. Interested in upping your mathematics teaching?Starting the Fall of 2022, the Elementary and Middle School Mathematics Education Master’s sequence at Illinois State University will be fully online. Find out more here.

  3. Iowa Virtual Professional Learning offers anytime learning for Iowa license renewal credit.  Check out Foundations of Fractions and Tondevolds Flexibility Formula and Number Sensesearch for Building Math Minds: Flexibility Formula K-2nd or Building Math Minds: Flexibility Formula for 3rd-5th Grades.


  1. Coming to the Annual Conference and need financial support?  ICTM will award five recipients up to $200 to support attendance at our annual conference on October 15. The application deadline is August 31Apply now!

  2. ICTM will award up to 30 Marilyn Zweng First Year Teacher Grants to support new teachers as they begin their career teaching mathematics (part or full time). Applications are due August 15, so spread the word!

  3. ICTM will award annually up to 20 Marilyn Zweng Professional Development Grants of at most $250 each to support ICTM members in improving their instructional practice in mathematics teaching by engaging in a one-time professional development opportunity. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis, so apply now!

Professional Development Opportunities

  1. Are you interested in free resources for teaching statistics and data that have been vetted by experts? The Friday Institute for Educational Innovation at North Carolina State University is recruiting 75 middle and high school teachers to participate in a research study on professional development using the InSTEP (Invigorating Statistics Teacher Education through Professional Online Learning) online professional learning platform. Teachers will receive $1000 for participating in 20 hours of professional development and can earn CEUs (or professional development hours). Fill out this form if you are interested in participating. Contact Dr. Gemma Mojica at gmmojica@ncsu.edu for more info.

  2. Looking for some great PD? Attend the  2022 NCTM Annual Meeting & Exposition in Los Angeles, CA (Sept 28-Oct 1), or the 2022 NCTM Regional Conference in Baltimore, MD (Nov 30-Dec 2)!


        1. Teaching K-8?  Check out Math Milestones' grade-level grids from Achieve the Core. The grids "reflect the concepts, fluencies, applications, and practices of mathematics at each grade level as defined by the Standards. Across the grades, the tasks follow the progressions in each domain, surfacing key themes like the number line, properties of operations, and functional thinking. Used formatively, the tasks can reveal and promote student thinking."

          1. There's growing evidence that all students - and especially students of color - benefit from a more diverse teacher workforce. For advice on starting a "grow your own" teacher preparation program in your district and other ideas for strengthening teacher pipelines for the long run, read TNTP's new guide, Addressing Teacher Shortages: Practical Ideas for the Pandemic and Beyond

          Get Involved: Volunteer with ICTM!

          ICTM is looking for members to serve on various committees to enhance member benefit opportunities, increase our social media presence, provide input on website design, etc.  If you are interested, please fill out this short form.

            We Want to Hear from You!

            Do you have ideas for future emails, professional development activities, or website and social media posts? We'd love to hear from you; contact us at one of our email addresses or submit an item for social media, the website, or the newsletter here.



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