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IOwa COuncil of Teachers of Mathematics

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2022 Conference

Saturday, October 15, 2022
DMACC's FFA Enrichment Center
1055 SW Prairie Trial Parkway
Ankeny, Iowa 50023


2022 Friend of Mathematics Award

Deidra Baker

2022 Lifetime Achievement Award

Marilyn Zweng

Congratulations to ICTM Conference Grant Awardees! 

  • Christine Galle, Math Content Leader & Coach, Central Lee
  • Paul Lauger, Math & Computer Science, Humboldt High School


Our online book study on Peter Liljedahl's "Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics 14 Teaching Practices for Enhancing Learning" will be held this fall in conjunction with our 2022 Conference. One licensure renewal credit will be offered.

The class is through AEA Learning Online and will run from October 19th to November 29th. Most of the class will be asynchronous, but there will be 3 zoom sessions to attend. There will be weekly journal assignments. Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics 14 Teaching Practices for Enhancing Learning is required. Register for the class here

Questions?  Contact Lori!

Our keynote speaker will be Peter Liljedahl, author of "Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics, Grades K-12: 14 Teaching Practices for Enhancing Learning". 

In addition to our keynote speaker, we have several featured speakers:

Doug Clements is our PK-2nd Grade Featured Speaker. Doug is known for his work in Early Learning Trajectories in math and is excited to return to Iowa.

Dionne Animata is the 3rd-8th Grade Featured Speaker. Dionne is the founder of Math Trust. Her work in supporting schools and teachers to look at math instruction with an equity lens is inspiring. She was the Lead Writer for the IM K-5 curriculum and also works with Unbound Ed.

Kaneka Turner will be the Coaching and Leadership Featured Speaker. Kaneka is the founder of ReImage. She worked with Mike Flynn at Mt Holyoke College and has an extensive background as a classroom teacher, math coach and elementary math specialist, serving in one of the nation's largest urban districts. Kaneka's coaching efforts were recognized for state gains in student achievement.

The strands for the conference program are

      • Number Sense
      • Mathematical Discourse
      • Infusing Technology, Equity & Access
      • The 8 Effective Teaching Practices
      • Intervention/MTSS
      • Instructional Coaching/Leadership.

Check out all the wonderful talks we have planned:

Conference Program

Register by Sept 16 for the early-bird discount -- seating may be limited!

Conference Registration

2022 Conference Video Recordings

What a great conference for talking math, reconnecting, hearing great speakers, and growing professionally!

Do you wish you had access to a recording of our keynote address by Peter Liljedahl, author of "Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics" or the featured speaker talks by Doug Clements

As a member, you do! Log into and navigate to My ICTM and watch them again!

Don't Forget to Visit our Exhibitor Tables!



Iowa Governor's STEM Advisory Council

McGraw-Hill Education

BK Educational Resources

Drake University

Iowa State Education Association


StemScopes Math

Carnegie Learning

First In Math




CPM Educational Program

Grand Canyon University

Kendall Hunt

Savvas Learning Company


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