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IOwa COuncil of Teachers of Mathematics

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2023 Pre-COnference Workshop Descriptions

A Better “Game Plan” for Teaching Basic Facts

Reaching All Learners Through the Desmos Math 6-A1 Curriculum with NCTM's 8 Effective Teaching Practices

Grades K-5 Workshop

The Huxley Learning Center, Highway 210, Huxley, IA

Friday, October 13, 2023
9:00am - 3:30pm

Workshop Facilitator

Jennifer Bay-Williams

Workshop Description

Every child must have automaticity with basic facts, but traditional drill and memorizing just doesn’t work for most students. A better ‘game plan’ builds on students’ strengths, using interesting stories and strategic visuals to support student number sense, and then games to provide meaningful and enjoyable practice. Mix in some ways to ensure the games are connected to strategies, and you have a game plan that will ensure every student learns their facts, learns reasoning strategies, and feels confident about themselves as a learner of mathematics.

This full-day activity-rich workshop includes a copy of Jennifer’s Math Fact Fluency book, e-copies of all activities, games, and assessment tools, and an opportunity to connect with other teachers ready to transform their fact fluency instruction!

Grades 6-12 Workshop

DMACC's FFA Enrichment Center, Ankeny, IA

Friday, October 13, 2023
1:00pm - 4:30pm

Workshop Facilitators

Melissa Brinn, Jessica Breur, Jeremy Lee 

Workshop Description

Experience how NCTM's 8 Effective Teaching Practices are woven into the Desmos Math 6–A1 curriculum. This curriculum is designed to help teachers promote reasoning, support productive math conversations, and build students’ procedural fluency while celebrating their thinking. Bring your own device to learn firsthand how to incorporate the Desmos facilitation tools to promote meaningful mathematical discourse and make connections based on students' brilliant work.

Become part of Iowa’s first Desmos Math 6-A1 cohort. All attendees and your students will receive FREE curriculum access for the 2023-24 school year.

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