On Friday, April 12, 2024, Dr. Teresa Finken passed away peacefully at her
home in Iowa City, IA. A Celebration of Life open house will be held at The Heights Rooftop in Iowa City on June 8, 2024, from 2-5pm. Instead of flowers, please send a donation to Tapestry Farms, a local nonprofit Teresa donated her time and resources to.
Teresa made a significant impact by serving as ICTM’s Post-Secondary Vice President and overseeing the management of the journal for ICTM. She dedicated numerous hours to reviewing, editing, and writing articles for the journal. ICTM honored her at the 2023 Fall Conference with the Lifetime Achievement Award. It is with this same dedication in mind that ICTM is reintroducing the journal in a revised format, known as ICTM Journal 2.0.
Please take some time to share a memory on the Tribute wall.
Here is a list of the journals she authored:
ICTM Journal 2019-20. Late Development of Place Value in Base 10
ICTM Journal 2017-18 Introducing Angle Measure
ICTM Journal 2018-19. What is a Moebius Strip? Written with Deidra Baker
ICTM Journal 2017-18. Mathematics Is All Around Us. T. Finken & D. Baker
ICTM Journal 2016-17. Book Review: Hidden Figures; A Timeline for the History of Mathematics.
ICTM Journal 2016-17. Book Review Moebius Noodles: Adventurous Math for the Playground Crowd.
ICTM Journal 2015-16. Why are some numbers even and others odd? Rule versus reason.
ICTM Journal 2014-15. Where Does Pi Come From?
ICTM Journal 2013-14. What Is So Cool About Snow?
ICTM Journal 2013-14. Briefing on ACT’s Report: The Condition of STEM 2013 Iowa
ICTM Journal 2012-13. Fractal Cauliflower.