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IOwa COuncil of Teachers of Mathematics

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Uncomplicate Fractions Online Learning Series with Marian Small

Join us as we continue our focus on developing fluency with Marian Small.

We will focus on building conceptual understanding of fraction concepts and fraction operations.

Discussion topics will include

  • questioning to build deeper understanding
  • typical misconceptions and how to avoid them
  • conceptual models to support operations.

The Uncomplicating Fractions book is recommended, but not required. 

Savvas Learning Company sponsors Dr. Marian Small, internationally renowned author and author of the new Savvas Math Solutions Experience Math.

Registration Fee

 Workshop  Fee

 Uncomplicate Fractions Online Series
 January 21, February 4, February 18
 6:30pm - 8:00pm


Before Registering, Please Note the Following

Have your credit card ready. If payment is not received within 15 minutes, your registration will be cancelled; you will have to begin again.
      • You can register more than one person at a time; before you begin, make sure you have each registrant's name and email.
      • All communication from ICTM will be sent to the main registrant. 
      • The main registrant will receive a receipt and a link to pay for the registrations. 

Zoom Link

Participants will receive a link to the online series prior to the beginning of the series.

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